Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weekend spending = Food and Drink

Ok. so the title is seemingly self-explanatory, but not so much. I have come to the scary realization (and by realization I mean that I 'realize' this every week...) that basically ALL of my paycheck gets spent on non-tangible goods. i.e. food/alcohol/etc. In my defense, if the saying 'it's the thought that counts' was really true, I would have loads of money saved up, as every sunday/monday, I am determined that my excessive spending over the previous weekend (usually on $12 malibu cocktails since its uber expensive in Paris, and I am lame and have the alcoholic taste-buds of a 15 yr old) is ending and I am starting anew. This is then followed by a Monday, the likes of which instigate a thirst for said alcohol and therefore the planning commences for the following weekend as to where I will be spending entire paychecks. So, for the record, I really am stopping this. At least for one weekend. This sounds like a good plan. Except that I know that tomorrow I will have come to the determination that visiting the O'Sullivans Bar on Grands Boulevards is simply non-negotiable, and that not going would be perhaps robbing myself of the very cultural experiences motivating my time here. If only justifying frivolous spending was an Olympic sport....

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